About the language
Slovak dialects are the vernacular languages spoken by the indigenous populations of the different regions in Slovakia, in everyday social and working situations. Slovak dialects are passed orally from one generation to the next, although the process of levelling can be observed in this area. Slovak dialects are divided into three basic groups:

Geographical classification of Slovak dialects
a) Western Slovak dialects
The Western Slovak dialects are found spread across the Trenčín, Nitra, Trnava, Myjava areas and in other regions.
- Upper Trenčín dialects
- Lower Trenčín dialect
- Váh river dialect
- Central Nitra dialects
- Lower Nitra dialects
- Trnava area dialects
- Záhorie dialect
b) Central Slovak dialects
Central Slovak dialects are spoken in the regions of Liptov, Orava, Turiec, Tekov, Hont, Novohrad, Gemer and in the Zvolen area.
- Liptov dialects
- Orava dialects
- Turiec dialect
- Upper Nitra dialects
- Zvolen dialects
- Tekov dialects
- Hont dialect
- Novohrad dialects
- Gemer dialects
c) Eastern Slovak dialects
Eastern Slovak dialects can be found in the regions of Spiš, Šariš, Zemplín and Abov.
- Spiš dialects
- Abov dialects
- Šariš dialects
- Zemplín dialect
- Soták dialects
- Už dialects
- Goral dialects
- Ukrainian dialects
- Various dialect areas
- Hungarian dialects
These groups are further divided into a variety of subdialects (each village has its own dialect); mountain regions in particular have widely varying dialects. In the past, the mountainous character of the country increased the linguistic isolation of the population in the individual provinces. The development of the various dialects was also influenced by the movement and migration of the population, colonization, mingling of different dialect types, influence of neighbouring Slavonic and non-Slavonic languages, changes in the occupations of the population, etc. Depending on the nature of dialects and occurrence of certain characteristics in the dialects, Slovak dialects in Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries with large Slovak communities can be included to these groups. Since there are relatively few written records on monuments or in documents, Slovak dialects are the basic source of information about Slovak historical grammar.
Western Slovak dialect (Lozorno)
About a wedding
Central Slovak dialect (Vyšná Boca)
The King Matthias and the shepherd
Eastern Slovak dialect (Záhradne)
Childhood memories